Join Us
9:30AM - Sunday School
10:45AM - Worship Service
6:00PM - Prayer Meeting and Bible Study
7:00PM - Choir Rehearsal

Q and A
If this is your first time being a guest at WWBC, we certainly understand that you may have a few questions. Here are some common questions that we get from guests and our responses. We hope that this is helpful!
Where do I park?
There are a variety of locations around the church campus to park. Guest parking is located on the North side of the campus, nearest to the apartment complex and the entrance of the Worship Center. Guest parking spots are clearly marked, though you are welcome to park wherever you are comfortable. There are two entrances to the South part of the campus from Slaughter Lane and an East entrance off Westgate Blvd.
Where do I go?
When you arrive on campus, please enter through the North entrance of the Worship Center. You will be met there by helpful and friendly people who can escort you to a Sunday School class or the Worship service. Sunday School begins at 9:30am, and Worship begins at 10:45am.
Where do my kids go?
Children and teenagers currently gather for Sunday School in the portable buildings on the West side of the campus. There are classes for all age groups: infants/nursery, preschool, school-age, and teenagers. A newly renovated children's ministry area is planned to open soon in the upstairs of the Worship Center. A nursery is available for children age 4 and under during the worship service, as well.
Are my children safe?
Yes! We take the well-being of your family seriously. There are always at least two adults per Sunday School classroom, and each volunteer has gone through an recent background check. We also utilize a computerized check-in/check-out system.
What should I wear?
We welcome you to dress informally without being distracting or disrespectful. The church does not adhere to a "dress code."
Will anyone talk to me?
WWBC is full of friendly people who will greet you without being pushy. A group called the Hospitality Team will greet you at the entrance of the Worship Center before the Worship service begins. They desire for you to be comfortable and will take steps to ensure that your experience is an enjoyable one.
Where do I sit in the worship service?
There are no "assigned seats" in our church buildings. Feel free to sit wherever you'd like.
Will I be asked to do something (sing, read the Bible publically, pray out loud, etc)?
We will do nothing intentionally to embarrass or call attention to you in our worship services or Sunday School classes. Your level of participation is based on your individual discretion.
Will I have to fill out any paperwork?
It's totally up to you. We have a guest information card which you can fill out to your comfort level and turn in during the worship service. Guest info cards are helpful as a first step of establishing some communication with church staff. We do not use info either to "spam" you or to collect any private information about you.
Will I be asked to give money?
We understand that some churches can be pushy about money. We strive however at WWBC to place the main focus of our worship on Jesus Christ. We have an offering during the worship service and pass collection plates so that giving can be worshipful and discreet. We also have drop boxes on information tables in the worship center in which you can give an offering or place your connection card. You will not be confronted about giving or be put in an awkward position concerning money.
What if I have a question?
Pastor James is available both before and after the worship service in the Worship Center foyer to answer questions. You can ask questions of any number of our friendly church members, as well.
Will the church contact me after my visit?
Pastor James will attempt to contact you either by phone or text shortly after your visit. We also send a follow-up letter in the mail the week after your first visit. We will not "spam" you with communications.