Tools for Monday: What is the Ultimate Purpose in Life (Part 4)

James Hassell   -  

Last Monday, we talked about our telos. This word refers to a goal, end-point, or finish line. It is that toward which we strive with our whole heart. From a biblical standpoint, our ultimate goal is found in submitting ourselves to Jesus Christ. The goal is not a philosophy or mantra of some sort. The goal is a Person. In fact, Jesus himself said, “I am the Alpha and the Omega” (Revelation 21:6), meaning that life revolves around Jesus Christ. He is the beginning of life and the goal of life.

But what does this look like in daily action for the Christian? It sounds rather nebulous to say that Jesus Christ is our goal in life. But this is where the Holy Spirit comes in.

The Holy Spirit is the very Spirit of Christ who indwells the heart of a believer. Jesus referred to the Holy Spirit as the “Advocate” (John 14:16). The Advocate is one who stands beside the believer in the ups and downs of life, and he utters the truth in our souls. The Advocate, or Holy Spirit, convicts us of sins, builds us up with encouragement, and directs us to live in accordance with Jesus’ teachings and will. Everything the Advocate does will be in line with what God has revealed to us in Christ, the record of which is in the Bible. His voice is what we could call consecrated common sense.

Thus, if Jesus is our ultimate goal, then the Holy Spirit will lead us towards him. The Holy Spirit will be with us, even in the complex and complicated decisions, to ensure that we walk as Jesus walked. Jesus is the telos of life’s race of faith, so the Holy Spirit provides the instructions and the fuel to get us to our goal. Put as simply as possible: Our destination is to be like Jesus, and the Spirit can get us there. This is because the Holy Spirit helps us to understand how Jesus Christ is the clue to our knowing who God is and what God wants for us. He will make life intelligible for us.

Next week, we will talk further about the Holy Spirit. We will specifically discuss some ways that the Holy Spirit steers and directs us. We will also talk about how we can pay effective attention to what the Spirit tells us.