After Easter–Now What?

James Hassell   -  

Immediately following the Resurrection narrative, the Gospel writers hurry us along to what Christians traditionally called The Great Commission. The hurried nature of their writing is definitely on purpose. We could say that Resurrection Sunday is followed by Great Commission Monday. In other words, Jesus has given us a job to do!

Many Bible scholars over the years have shared with us a great, bare bones fact about the responsibility of the Christian: There is no neutrality with Jesus. Ours is a faith in motion. Keep in mind that we’re not talking about being overly busy or preoccupied with the distracting worries of this world. We’re talking about following the Spirit wherever he leads. Jesus is going somewhere. Are we walking with him?

Think of it like this. Since Jesus is very much alive, he is working in the lives and situations of people around us. The Holy Spirit is drawing people to himself and convicting of sin, righteousness, and judgment. Consequently, believers (those in whom the Spirit abides) have a responsibility to find out how God is working and join God in that work. Responsibility is literally our response to that which coincides with our goals and duties. Since the living Christ is at work around us, how are we responding to that work?

Let’s bring it down to earth with some examples. If there is a conflict in your family, how is God at work in that conflict, and how can you respond as a peacemaker? If a neighbor is dealing with severe illness, how are you responding to God’s call to help that person? If the Lord is calling you to a new or different kind of work—even if it’s uncomfortable—how will you respond to him?

Let’s talk more about our responsibility to God and the Great Commission in coming weeks!