Current Events Monday: A Needed Reminder about God’s Love

James Hassell   -  

You probably haven’t heard the name, Clara Lutz. But God sure knows her. Clara was babysitting her two grandchildren on December 10 at her home in Hopkins County, Kentucky. The grandbabies are Kaden (15 months) and Dallas (3 months).

Clara became alarmed at the worsening weather, including an oncoming monstrous tornado, and she decided to hide the kids in a bathtub while she watched over them. She covered them with blankets, a pillow, and—of all things—a Bible. Little did I know that the Bible could literally protect one from a tornado, but this one apparently did. The tornado directly hit the home, turned the bathtub upside down, demolished the house, but left the kids only with some relatively minor cuts and bruises. Clara was even knocked out by a water heater, but she was able in time to search for and locate the children with rescuers.

You can read the harrowing story here: Kentucky tornado: Two babies found alive after being blown away from home in their bathtub (

After reading Clara’s story, I was reminded of Jesus’ encouragement to us in Luke 10. The Lord says that God knows even the number of hairs on our head (Luke 10:7). If Clara took care of her grandbabies with such care in a tornado, how much more does God see us through the storms of life?

Perhaps you need this reminder during the week of Christmas. There is enough bad news to go around. In fact, many leaders in the medical field are now telling us to hunker down for the next wave of Covid. While symptoms may be less severe, hospitalizations may peak over the next six weeks or so. Let’s remember, however, that God can look after us even better than a worried grandparent! Take some time this week not only to thank him for his love and care for you but also to show such love tangibly to your neighbors and family.